Ok, not so much the theatrics of double suicide, but William Shakespeare had a way with words....
Anyways, I tend to disagree with Juliet. I think somethings need names. Somethings just ARE a Steve or William or Henry. Hard to say Shakespeare's sonnets would have been taken as serious had the man gone by "Bill Shakespeare", but I diverge.
I personally enjoy thinking up creative names for things that once were discarded or left to sit unloved and often ugly. I mean who can stare at anything and not see it take on its own persona? So after working on Carla this morning with my three year old apprentice, I realized she isn't a Carla, I'm not sure what she is, she is definitely more a Joan than Carla, but I'm leaving her name be, and focusing on her gorgeous dovetailed drawers that are getting stained Dark Walnut by Minwax. So now I ask.....
Who wants to name furniture with me?!